Garifuna Institute for Research and
Indigenous Understanding



Established by Dr. Enita Barrett,The Garifuna Institute for Research and Indigenous Understanding (GARIU), is a registered Non-Profit Organization that is deeply committed to the preservation, promotion, and education of the unique and fascinating cultural heritage of the Garifuna people, a community that has a rich history and a vibrant, dynamic culture. Established in 2023, GARIU has made significant strides in its mission to advance the understanding of Garifuna culture, history, and traditions through research, education, and outreach. With the support of our dedicated team of scholars, educators, and community leaders, we are actively working to ensure that the traditions of the Garifuna people continue to thrive for generations to come. Join us in celebrating the rich and diverse culture of the Garifuna people, and help us in our efforts to create a brighter future for this incredible community!

Intranation Scholarship

We’re working on a scholarship program to help expand our outreach to our students.

Skilled Lecturers

We have qualified Garifuna native and other instructors.

GariU Classes Schedule

Download the GarIU Class Sessions schedule below.

Indigenous Peoples of the Region

Indigenous peoples are culturally distinct ethnic groups whose members are directly descended from the earliest known inhabitants of a particular geographic region and, to some extent, maintain the language and culture of those original peoples. Peoples are usually described as “Indigenous” when they maintain traditions or other aspects of an early culture that is associated with the first inhabitants of a given region

GARIU Programs

                        Online and Face-face Courses.

GARIU offers a variety of relevant online and in-person courses to promote Garifuna culture and education in the diaspora

Annual Garifuna Language and Culture    Summer Camp (GLCSC)

Held every July, this camp provides immersive experiences in Garifuna language, cultural practices and citizenship.

                                           Indigenous Youth Progress Nest (IYPN)

This program tracks 60 students through their high school journey, offering financial, socio-emotional, and other support to reduce the risk of failure or dropping out.

An annual conference for these students is held every June.


                         Free Teacher Training

In response to teachers losing their licenses due to a lack of CPD credits, GARIU provides training at schools in Seine Bight, George Town, and Hopkins to help educators maintain their certifications.


                                                                                           Tuba Bouda Tutoring and Homework Hub

Many homes in our Garifuna villages lack internet connectivity, which limits students’ ability to complete homework assignments requiring online research. To address this, GARIU established the Tuba Bouda Homework Hub, located at a central village property owned by the GARIU Founder. The hub offers students access to the internet, laptops, and homework assistance, with support from teachers and parents who volunteer to staff the facility. We currently need additional laptops and funds to cover the monthly internet costs to ensure the hub remains operational.

Latest Post

SARC Community Literacy Program/ Tuba Bouda Tutoring and Home Work Hub


To address the critical literacy challenges faced by the students at St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic School (SARCS), where 90% of students are reading below grade level, two key leadership roles will be established. These roles will focus on coordinating the implementation of targeted literacy interventions, ensuring that teachers are meeting set literacy targets, and facilitating collaboration between teachers, tutors, and volunteers.


Title: SARCS Whole-School Sight Word Campaign


Recent diagnostic assessments have shown that most of the students at SARCS are reading significantly below their expected levels. To address this, we are launching a Whole-School Sight Word Campaign to help students master 300 essential sight words over the school year. By learning these high-frequency words, students will improve their reading fluency, comprehension, and overall academic performance.

Tuba Bouda Tutoring and Home Work Hub

The hub offers students access to the internet, laptops, and homework assistance, with support from teachers and parents who volunteer to staff the facility. We currently need additional laptops and funds to cover the monthly internet costs to ensure the hub remains operational.

SARCS Sight Word Campaign: Weekly Progress Chart

Click Here

Around The Region

Featured Stories

By Hubert Devonish, University
of the West Indies, Jamaica
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Land Dispute in Hopkins Village

Gariu Knowledge Base Repository

A Knowledge Repository or Portal for  Indigenous Peoples Issues and relevant Stakeholder

Garifuna Institute for Research and Indigenous Understanding

Here at GARIU our Vision and Mission is to Honor the richness of  indigenous Peoples Heritage and Culture. And to promote advocacy, leadership, and professionalism of educators.

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